
A Refreshing Path to Business Improvement

A Walkita is a unique and invigorating 2-3 hour Walk & Talk session designed to achieve specific objectives and outcomes. Stepping outside the confines of traditional office settings, Walkitas offer a refreshing and relaxed yet focused environment to contemplate business processes and areas for improvement.

Why Walk and Talk?

  • WalkiTa Logo Change of scenery inspires fresh perspectives.

  • undraw-curved-underline Outdoors foster free-flowing conversations and creativity.

  • undraw-curved-underline Discuss challenges, opportunities, financials, customers, and more.

The WalkiTa Experience:

  • undraw-curved-underline Introduction and topic exploration in the initial session.

  • undraw-curved-underline Multiple sessions with clear objectives and outcomes.

  • undraw-curved-underline Specific subjects and whiteboard brainstorming in subsequent sessions.

Embracing the Difficult Questions:

  • undraw-curved-underline Address tough questions for business growth.

  • undraw-curved-underline Improve business performance, even in challenging situations.

  • undraw-curved-underline Focus on making money and planning for success for SMEs.

Fun and Purposeful Elements:

  • undraw-curved-underline Relaxed setting with engaging activities.

  • undraw-curved-underline Incorporate fun factors like bag pick-ups and photo competitions.

  • undraw-curved-underline Positive environment for participants to thrive.

Are you ready to step outside the ordinary and embark on a transformative journey?
Join us for a WalkiTa and experience the power of a beach walk in stimulating personal growth and business improvement.